Veto to Venezuela in Mercosur threats the sovereign and united position of Brazil in the Mercosur

In all forms, the action of the Brazilian government of interim president and usurper Michel Temer, led by the Foreign Minister, José Serra, (PSDB)[1], about the pro tempore presidency of Mercosur, is quite a scandalous one.
By José Reinaldo Carvalho (*)
Along with the partners Mauricio Macri and Horacio Cartes, respectively mandatories of right-wing governments of Argentina and Paraguay, the interim government of Brazilian is leading one of the most shameful episodes of Brazilian foreign policy since its foundations by Jose Maria da Silva Paranhos Junior, the Baron of Rio Branco.
Ahead of a new version of the triple alliance, which includes the victim of the past, Brazil seems realize now the geopolitical plans of the great Brazilian bourgeoisie associated with international imperialist circles. It chose as initial targets, the Mercosur and the Bolivarian Venezuela.
By vetoing Venezuela to assume the pro tempore presidency of Mercosur, the double Temer / Serra, in partnership with the representatives of Argentina and Paraguay, violates the fundamental documents of the Block – the Treaty of Asuncion, dated 26 March 1991, and Ouro Preto Protocol of 17 December 1994. Asuncion Treaty establishes in its Article 12 that the “Presidency of the Council shall be exercised by rotation of States Parts and in alphabetical order, for periods of six months.” Using almost the same words, the Ouro Preto Protocol, complementary to the institutional foundations of the Asuncion Treaty, states in its Article 5: “The Presidency of the Common Market Council shall be rotated among the States Parts, in alphabetical order, for a period of six months”.
Venezuela is a State Part of Mercosur since July 2012 and already has held the pro tempore presidency of the Block, a historical fact, for the first time a State Part founder of Mercosur held the post. In July 2014, the Bolivarian country organized with great ability the Summit of Caracas, in which it highlighted the creation of the Authorities Meeting on Privacy and Information Security and Technological Infrastructure and the Meeting of Indigenous Authorities. It has also adopted in Caracas, the Directives of the Mercosur Gender Equality Policy and the Integrated Operation Plan Mercosur Mobility (Simercosul), a mechanism created during one of the Brazilian presidencies, which aims to improve and expand academic mobility initiatives under the Block.
During the previous presidency pro tempore Venezuela, Mercosur approached other blocks, particularly the BRICs, and consolidated relations with the two great powers of that group outside the Americas – China and Russia. The main objective of the Venezuelan temporary presidency was to promote the establishment of a complementary economic zone, made up of the members countries of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Mercosur and Petrocaribe. Venezuela’s management had as a permanent concern the promotion of equality and justice, initiatives for the development of indigenous communities and the impulse of the so-called Mercosur Worker, aiming to advance the exchange of knowledge and production experience, the integration of workers in encouraging the professionalization and specialization of scientific knowledge.
These are facts that debunk the argument Temer / Serra and their partners of the triple alliance that Venezuela did not fulfil all the requirements as a State Part, which President Maduro strongly refutes. “The country meets more agreements that all founding members of this organization,” has said the Venezuelan President at the same time reiterates that despite the position of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela supported by Uruguay and based on these documents, is exercising the Pro Tempore Presidency of Mercosur, since 29 last July.
The deleterious effects of scammers Temer and Serra with their partners in the new triple alliance, aimed at two goals. First, emptying and adaptation of Mercosur to the foreign policy strategy submissive to the imperialist powers, in FHC era of barefoot diplomatic tradition. Slaves of US imperialism and the European Union, the ‘tucanos’[2] are adverse to sovereign integration mechanisms such as Mercosur, Unasur, the CELAC and Alba which were strengthened under the aegis of the progressive governments of the region and clearly contrary to the interests of the imperialist masters to which they pay homage. During the election campaign in 2014, this was the subject of debate after the defeated candidate of the PSDB, Aécio Neves, meeting the European Commission President, Jose Manuel Barroso, has defended the lowering of the Mercosur as a mere customs union condition.
The other of scammer’s management goal is the destabilization and overthrow of the Bolivarian government led by Nicolas Maduro, in full harmony with the local right and the American interventionists. Serra and his right-wingers fellows in the Senate and the Parliament are committed to assassins and masterminds of crimes that they considered “political prisoners”. On top, in a gross violation to the principle of non-interference foreign policy in the internal affairs of another country, the Chancellor of the Brazilian government requires that Venezuela adopt procedures on the eventual realization of a recall referendum, which are private to the Venezuelan Electoral Power.
(*) Journalist, editor of and Secretary of Politics and International Relations of the Communist Party of Brazil -PCdoB
[1] PSDB – The Brazilian Party of Social Democracy (N.T.)
[2] Tucanos – Supporters of the PSDB (N.T.)